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September 28, 2023

And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion? Esther 4:14 (AMPC)

We often think that God must work only in mind-blowing ways. But when I study the Bible, I frequently find the opposite. Over and over, we see that God is closely involved in people’s everyday lives. Certainly, He can choose to show up in a spectacular fashion. I’ve witnessed countless miraculous healings and unexplainable circumstances. But the supernatural also unfolds in the everyday.

Look at the story of Esther. After the queen fell out of favour with the ruling king, he ended up falling for and choosing Esther, unaware that his new queen was Jewish.

Meanwhile, Haman, an evil kingdom official, crafted a nefarious plan to annihilate all the Jews. As the plan began to roll out, Esther faced an agonizing decision: risk death by speaking to the king uninvited or stay silent and watch the slaughter of her fellow Jews. She made the courageous choice—and ended up saving her people. The timeliness of Esther becoming queen at this crucial time was beyond coincidence.

Even though God isn’t mentioned once in the book of Esther, her story is full of the supernatural. God didn’t just strike down the evil official with a firebolt. Instead, a young woman used her beauty and courage for God’s purposes, and it demolished an evil agenda.

The same supernatural hand of God that directed Esther’s timing, connections and circumstances also leads you daily. He is extraordinary at linking you to the right people, jobs and events at the right time. There are no ordinary days when we choose God’s ways!

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