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Confidence at Your Core

January 6, 2022

“Whatdo you mean, ‘If I can?’ Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a personbelieves.” Mark 9:23 (NLT)

Everybody hits a plateau at some point in life. We all go through times when we feel stuck—but we can learn how to deal with these feelings and move past them. Those in leadership positions especially need to learn to break through barriers, because to not go on is to abdicate leadership. Leaders need to be in front, spearheading the charge. If you are no longer in front, you are not leading.

When it comes to pushing past a plateau, simply developing your skills is not the answer. Don’t get me wrong—skills are great. But all true growth begins with believing.

The key to getting past a roadblock lies with what you believe about yourself. You need confidence at the core of who you are to overcome times when you feel stuck in life. However, I’m not talking about developing a big ego. Some people who seem to have outward confidence actually lack inner security. They don’t have the depth of belief necessary to get through times when nothing seems to be happening. The kind of perseverance you need at these times requires more than an emotional front. You need the kind of confidence that only comes from knowing who you are in Christ.

In Jesus, you are a child of God and everything is possible—healing, prosperity and all that is involved in fulfilling the call of God on your life.Start with this belief and you will be well on your way to getting past whatever is holding you back.

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