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August 1, 2023

The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? Proverbs 18:14 (AMPC)

Have you ever heard, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts”? That saying holds more truth than most people realize! It really hit home for me when I became an adult. Raised by parents who were pastors, I saw miracles happen regularly. Years later, I began working on the streets as a paramedic.

As I attended to accident scenes and helped victims of abuse, it shocked me into recognizing how much our world lacks peace. People desperately need the love and power of Jesus to heal hearts, minds and physical bodies.

I also realized that the less we look after our inner world, the more our outer world will struggle. Even Spirit-filled, new covenant believers can start wandering away from believing that God’s peace is theirs. They can forget that He loves them unconditionally, and then they’ll struggle to see Him involved in their world. Why?

It’s not that God withdraws from us. It’s that what we know and believe about Him on the inside determines how we go through pain and trouble. We must learn to prioritize strengthening ourselves internally—and I don’t mean through self-made strength or willpower. I’m talking about living by the Word and letting God’s peace, love and joy be our foundation.

Over the next few days, we’ll discuss other ways to enjoy His incredible peace consistently. But for today, know that it is always available to you. As a believer, it’s already yours in the Spirit! The more you renew your mind with the Word, the more you live out of His power that is already in you to sustain you through anything.

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