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September 11, 2023

Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. Ephesians 5:16 (TPT)

‍What is more important—having a dream or cultivating personal growth? It’s an interesting question because having a dream should make you want to develop toward it, yet I’ve found that’s often not the case for most people. The truth is, growth is what opens up opportunities.

For example, when our church began to explode, it initially created a crisis for us. We quickly had to learn how to handle finances, manage employees and negotiate for buildings and land. However, as we learned effective management principles, I recognized something remarkable: the more we grew, the more opportunities arose.

Offers that exceeded anything we had ever dreamed possible started to present themselves. We were approached unexpectedly with the opportunity to manage the only 24/7 Christian television channel in Canada. As we reworked the content and organization, viewership increased, and doors continued to open to even more possibilities.

Continue learning and developing, and you’ll become capable of handling new things that were previously beyond your scope. As a result, there are doors that God can open because you’re now prepared and equipped to walk through them. How are you moving toward your dreams? What risks are you taking? Work to continually develop skill sets and knowledge that build toward the dreams God has placed within you. As you do, you’ll start to recognize opportunities you didn’t see before. It’s amazing what and who can cross your path when you take chances and keep growing!

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