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Live in Love

September 10, 2021
“I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?” Matthew 18:32–33 (NLT)

It’s easy to welcomeGod’s forgiveness and blessings with open arms. However, extending that love and forgiveness to others is a different story.

In Matthew 18, Jesus shared a parable about a king who had decided to settle up all outstanding accounts with his servants. One particular servant owed the king a very large debt that he had no way of paying, so it was decided that the man would be sold, along with his wife, his kids, and all that he owned.

When the servant begged for more time to repay, the king was touched and decided to forgive the servant’s debt completely. The servant was released, but on his way out he ran into a man who owed him about a day’s wage—peanuts in comparison to the debt the king had just forgiven the servant. It seems that the servant had learned nothing from this benevolent king because he immediately demanded full payment of the small debt owed to him. When the man couldn’t pay, the servant had him locked up in jail.

Like this servant, we easily accept forgiveness and often forget to extend it. But the happiest people on the planet are those who forgive quickly and love freely. You see, love and forgiveness are twins. You can’t love if you won’t forgive.

Can you think of someone close to you that you need to forgive? If you’re holding onto resentment, you are slowly extinguishing the love between you and that person. Don’t allow bitterness to take root. Instead, choose love by beginning the process of forgiveness today.

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