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Small but Mighty

January 11, 2022

Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. James 3:4 (NKJV)

When ships are caught in squalls out at sea, the storm doesn’t determine where the boat goes—the rudder does. In the same way, our tongues are like small but mighty rudders, directing our lives by what we speak. 

What should we be speaking? In good times and bad, we need to voice confessions of faith—not weak, empty statements but strong, faith-filled declarations from God’s Word. As a believer, think of yourself like a warship. Warships don’t hide in harbours or drift aimlessly. They use their design and equipment to overcome adversity. Declaring God’s promises fortifies your heart with armour, protection, and ammunition against the enemy. Speaking His Word in faith activates its power in your heart. 

We don’t need to cower in fear internally or wring our hands with worry. Now, should we use wisdom as we navigate problems? Absolutely. But during trials, is the storm deciding your direction? Or are you confessing God’s Word aloud daily, telling the storm where you’re headed? The more your tongue speaks His promises, the more your heart begins to believe that God’s promises are personal, reliable and trustworthy. That’s why today’s verse teaches that your words—which affect your heart—pilot the direction you go. 

As believers, knowing who we are in Christ changes how we handle the storms of life. When the deck is stacked against you, speak faith-filled words. Declare and believe your God is bigger than any storm and will take you through to the other side!

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