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September 4, 2023

His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue.2 Peter 1:3 (VOICE)

If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of thoughts or behaviours you don’t like, I want to show you just how easily you can change!

When you receive Jesus as your Saviour, two important things happen: one is legal and one is experiential. Legally you become a new creation. You’re forgiven, your record is cleared and you are entitled to an inheritance in Christ. 

But a legal change is not enough if you can’t experience the change. You could be married on paper, but whether you experience the love and romance that God designed is up to you. As another example, you could have $100,000 in a bank account with your name on it. But if you didn’t know this account was yours, you would never experience what that money could do for you. 

It’s the same with you as a believer. Because of Jesus, legally, all of God’s promises are yours. But how do you bring them into your world and experience them for yourself?

 It’s a process that happens from the inside out. Philippians 2:12 calls this “working out your own salvation.” As you get into God’s Word, it reveals who you are in Christ. More than teaching you who you are from an intellectual standpoint, it changes your deepest beliefs and emotional makeup. You begin to see yourself as a child of God. You start to live by His power and your authority in Christ—and change becomes natural.

God’s Word is full of incredible promises, and they’re yours to experience!

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