Summer of Significance Logo

Do you want to see Canada reached for Jesus?

Right now, we're in the middle of Summer of Significance. This summer is an opportunity for you to not only help us step into significance as a ministry but also for you to step into significance in your own life!

Watch the video below for a quick recap of the June telethons!

What is Summer of Significance?

Walking in significance as a ministry means we can reach Canada with the truth about Jesus in new and relevant ways. Whether that's increased broadcast reach worldwide or a growing online presence with cutting-edge content that has the Gospel at its foundation—we want to be equipped to do it all!

The Next Stage of Miracle Channel

Summer of Significance TimelineSummer of Significance Timeline

In 2010, when Leon Fontaine became CEO, Miracle Channel was in survival mode. With his excellent leadership and reliance on Holy Spirit to guide him, Leon took Miracle Channel from a state of survival, to stability and success. We are so grateful for his dedication to building the foundation of this ministry's vision for reaching Canada with the hope of Jesus.

But we can't just stop at success, we want to get to a place of significance, where we can reach Canada—and the world—in BIG ways for the Kingdom of God.


It's always a huge blessing to connect with you as the Miracle Channel Family. We've heard so many testimonies and stories of lives being changed since the live airings. Here's just one of the calls we received during the telethon!

"Mervin called in to ask if HE could pray with me for Miracle Channel. He was watching Summer of Significance and said it was such a blessing to turn on the TV and be a part of the beautiful time of praise and worship and of sharing the love of Christ.

He felt in his heart that he needed to call and pray for us. He prayed that blessings beyond measure would be upon Miracle Channel and the staff, and that Miracle Channel would 'have an Upper Room experience this summer with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit'. He said that the effort that we’re putting out there is such a blessing and that the Lord will bless it. He said, 'This summer will be significant!'."

Partner With Us This Summer

The anatomy of a Miracle Book

It's only through the support of our donors that we're able to reach people with the outreaches we have running right now. But we also have many plans and dreams for future outreaches, and we need a new level of support to reach that new level of significance.

Would you step into significance with us this summer? When you partner with us and donate $250 or more, we'd love to send you Dr. Jim Richards' book, The Anatomy of a Miracle, as a small thank you.

The anatomy of a Miracle Book

*Gift offer available to Canadian residents only for a gift of $250 or more.

If this is your first time donating to Miracle Channel, thank you so much for partnering with us and supporting the good news about Jesus being spread throughout Canada! Welcome to the Miracle Channel Family—we are so happy to have you here!